Knowing one's lineage has become a popular trend in the last few decades. There are web spots we can go to that will be helpful and there are places which we can visit for a fee to give us even more help when we get positively serious about knowing the 'who-what-where' of our forefathers. Sometime we have to commit a significant amount of money to find out if our great-grreat-grrreatest GrandPappy was or wasn't really hung for being a horse thief, as the legend goes.
But biblically, it is vital to both know and understand everything we can about our ancestry. That true Christian ancestry comes through some truly well-known figures from the past should help us understand our destiny beyond this life as well as the purpose of the Life of Christ (in us), today.
This morning I would like to rehearse the narrative of Jehovah God and His faithful servant Abraham. Please use the following Scriptures to help bring God's Plan of Salvation to a satisfactory conclusion to our lesson this morning and to better understand God's intent for our lives, now.
Gen. 12:1-4 Gen. 22:1-2
Josh. 21:43-45 Luke 18:18-25
Luke 24:44-48 Gal. 3:6-8
John 17:3-4 Gal. 3:16
Ex. 1:7-11 Gal. 3:26-29
Gal. 3:6-7
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